Researchers at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City have added their input to the growing number of studies looking at alcohol consumption and heart disease. According to their report, an interesting study of almost 2,500 individuals confirmed that moderate alcohol consumption, one to two drinks daily, was associated with a reduced risk of angina, or chest pain, one year after having a heart attack. They compared this to both abstinence and heavy alcohol consumption. Now, in case you were wondering, drinking too much, that's more than four drinks a day, was associated with an increased risk of angina. What we are learning again and again is that moderate alcohol appears to be helpful but a person must stay in that range. Another warning, if you are someone who has had battles with alcohol abuse, I don't think it's worth the risk. You should be very careful about making alcohol a part of your life. For more information, click onto http://www.mymedicalreports.com/.
Yup, that\'ll do it. You have my arppceiatoin.